
Many people believe that headaches are caused by loud noise, being tired, or being stressed. While these are all factors that can lead to headaches, the direct cause is tightness in the neck and shoulders. The tightness can cause misalignments in the vertebrae of your neck, resulting in pain. 80% of all headaches originate from the neck. With a typical cervicogenic (neck origin) headache, a person usually feels pain starting at the base of the skull which radiates into the temples, eyeballs, and forehead. Massage of the neck and shoulder muscles can release tension, and a chiropractic adjustment can realign the vertebrae in your neck. Chiropractic can help eliminate the cause of your headaches rather than offering a temporary relief from the symptoms. 

"I came to Fairview Chiropractic after a full year of seeking traditional treatment for daily headaches. I had seen multiple specialists and undergone MRI’s, CAT scans, x-rays, and even a spinal tap to diagnose the issue. I had seen a neurologist, oral surgeons, and several gp’s, all to no avail. But over the course of three months, Dr. Reilly was able to provide lasting relief. I had no idea the extent to which chiropractic medicine can treat chronic pain and other concerns – Dr. Reilly has treated me for TMJ-related symptoms, as well. I now seek chiropractic care as my first line of defense rather than my last hope, and I would definitely tell others to do the same."

-  Laura M.

"In July of 2008 I started experiencing headaches that over months became increasing worse. I went to see my family doctor who said it was allergies/sinus problems and prescribed a daily allergy medication as well as pain medication. The headaches continued and became worse to the extent they were interfering with my daily life. I was taking massive amounts of pain relievers with no relief. I noticed on Fairview Chiropractic’s sign they treated headaches. My daughter had been treated by Dr. Reilly for sports related injuries and issues while playing sports at A. C. Reynolds with great success so I decided I would give them a call to see if they could help me.

During my first visit they took the time to talk to me and find out what problems I was having, they took x-rays and measurements. I returned for my report of findings to learn that the x-ray showed that I had cervical vertebrae that had become twisted and was putting pressure on the nerves in my neck. Dr. Reilly layed out a course of treatment for me and began treatments. I left my first treatment amazed at how much better I felt. I continued the course of treatment that Dr. Reilly had set for me as well as exercises at home. I also during that time experienced lower back pain which I have had since the birth of my children that limited my ability to do things such as vacuum, mop, garden or even shop for long periods of time with out pain. I spoke with Dr. Reilly about this and he assured me that he could treat that too.

I am now going every 2 weeks for adjustments and there are no words that can describe how wonderful I feel, I have had absolutely no headaches and my lower back pain is pretty much no existent. It is such a wonderful feeling to wake up every morning and know that you are going to have a pain free day.

Dr. Reilly is always very interested in your course of care, are always concerned that you are not experiencing any pain and will make suggestions and give advise on your continued improvement.

The office staff is always very professional, friendly and helpful.

I recommend them highly to my family, friends and co-workers any time they tell me they are experiencing any type of pain.

Thanks to everyone at Fairview Chiropractic for all they have done to improve my quality of life."

-  Pam P., Fletcher, NC

"I would just like to tell everyone what Dr. Reilly and Fairview Chiropractic Center has done for me. The week before last week I woke up with what I thought was a migraine headache and called Fairview Chiropractic Center to be seen. Dr. Reilly treats my migraines with adjustments. Instead of a migraine I had two bulging discs in my neck.

Dr. Reilly took X-rays and began treating me with the DTS, electro-stem, ice and adjustments. At the time he began to treat me I could not turn my head to the left without having severe pain down both arms and a debilitating headache. I have seen Dr. Reilly a total of 10 times for this treatment, and I now am pain free with no headache, no neck pain and no arm pain. This was all accomplished through non surgical means and without being prescribed long term muscle relaxers or pain medications.

I would just like to add that I have seen Dr. Reilly for several years for different injuries, and after being treated by Dr. Reilly had no long term negative effects. I like the ability to go to him and not have to take medication for things that can be treated and get better with out them."

-  Cindy L.

"I came to Dr. Reilly after suffering with chronic sinus problems and neck spasms. I had suffered with this problem for years. Previous treatments consisted of constant antibiotics and aspirin.

The medical doctor’s last resort was surgery on my sinuses. This week I completed the treatment plan Dr. Reilly recommended and will start maintenance care at one time a month. It is so wonderful to not wake up with a headache and not to be taking medications all the time.

What I would tell others with the similar condition is sometimes you do not realize how bad you are really feeling until you are better. GET THE HELP YOU DESERVE."

-  Elisha T.

"I was desperate with a migraine and they got me right in with Dr. Reilly. The entire staff is just fabulous and patient-oriented. I tell everyone about my chiropractor and his office. Love you guys!"

- Robbie C.

"I had constant headaches from the back of my shoulders to the top of my head for three years. I was taking 6-8 pain pills a day. My blood pressure was high and wouldn’t go lower even though they tried six different medications. I saw an orthopedic specialist and internist and tried drugs and physical therapy without relief. Dr Reilly found my problem right away. My headaches were gone in two weeks and my blood pressure is back to normal. Please don’t put off going for help! Doc Reilly has been a miracle to me."

-  JoAnn L.

"I had been experiencing neck and back pain from a car wreck for over a month. After visiting Fairview Chiropractic Center and being treated by Dr. Reilly, I have been helped dramatically! I have full movement in my neck, my back no longer hurts and my migraines are almost gone. Chiropractic definitely helps!"

-  Shannon H.

"For Wana, 'most days it was hard to function.' Daily activities, including just getting out of bed, were difficult. In order to work, she had to be on constant pain medication. She could not sleep, was physically sick, was feeling depressed, and had no energy.

She heard about Fairview Chiropractic through a health fair at work and decided to give them a try. After receiving treatment at Fairview Chiropractic, she reports feeling 98% better, has more energy, no more migraines, and has come off of her pain medication.

She states that if she had known that she would feel this good after seeing Dr. Reilly, she would have seen him years ago and recommends Fairview Chiropractic to anyone."

-  Wana M., Fairview, NC

"I would just like to tell everyone what Dr. Reilly and Fairview Chiropractic Center has done for me. The week before last week I woke up with what I thought was a migraine headache and called Fairview Chiropractic Center to be seen. Dr. Reilly treats my migraines with adjustments. Instead of a migraine I had two bulging discs in my neck.

Dr. Reilly took X-rays and began treating me with the DTS, electro-stem, ice and adjustments. At the time he began to treat me I could not turn my head to the left without having severe pain down both arms and a debilitating headache. I have seen Dr. Reilly a total of 10 times for this treatment, and I now am pain free with no headache, no neck pain and no arm pain. This was all accomplished through non-surgical means and without being prescribed long term muscle relaxers or pain medications.

I would just like to add that I have seen Dr. Reilly for several years for different injuries, and after being treated by Dr. Reilly had no long term negative effects. I like the ability to go to him and not have to take medication for things that can be treated and get better without them."

-  Cindy L.

Our Location

2 Fairview Hills Drive | Fairview, NC 28730

Office Hours

Our General Schedule


Closed In The Morning

2:00 pm-5:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-5:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-5:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-5:00 pm







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